
I am researching for a book report on Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. My parents helped find your website. We had problems finding books at the library. Your information will be appreciated. I have enjoyed learning about the history of black physicians. thank you.

This site is a wonderful addition to the biography on "Dr. Dan" my students read in their fourth grade reading texts. As a teacher at a college prep school on Chicago's west side, Providence St. Mel, I'm delighted to share the positive and inspiring influences of Ms. Reynolds and Dr. Williams. Thank you for the information.

I'm interested in the historic presevation and redevelopment of Idlewild, Michigan as a "National Treasure." I would like to meet with the Foundation to explore if a collaborative effort may be devised with federal, state and private concerns to accomplish this task.
Please contact me either as per e-mail above.
Thank you.
J.L. Boles

I would like to be informed by email when you host your next scholarship reception, because I would like to purchase tickets to show my support. I am a scholarship recipient from a few years ago. I graduated from Malcolm X College 1 year ago and have been practicing as a Registered Nurse. So can you please keep me posted. Thank you, Latoya.