
I'm currently a nursing student and while I was watching television, I came across the commercial for this foundation. It is really great to see people come together to encourage youth like me. I have hopes of becoming a doctor, and it's websites like these that are a constant encouragement. I hope to be a part of this foundation one day!

This was a very inspiring site to come across. I was preparing for a class that I teach in our practical nurse program about the history of nursing and was looking for information about "famous nurses" and in particular was researching the NACGN and Mary E. Mahoney when I read about Emma Reynolds and the Provident Hospital.
This site has an incredible amount of history and legacy. If there is a book available I would be interested in making a purchase.

I am proud to have had the opportunity to visit the old Provident hospital. Thanks to my dad for explaining the history of the hospital to me as he would bring me to work with him in the engineering department back in the early to mid 70's. My dad took great pride in working at Provident, and truly respected those that paved the way.I am proud to have had the opportunity to visit the old Provident hospital. Thanks to my dad for explaining the history of the hospital to me as he would bring me to work with him in the engineering department back in the early to mid 70's. My dad took great pride in working at Provident, and truly respected those that paved the way.

I discovered this site while surfing for information for African American surgeons for our Black History Month bulletin board for the health sciences. Great site. It captured my interest as well as providing a wealth of information about the hospital. Thank your very much.

I was born at Provident as well as my brother, and most of my childhood friends. I feel honored to have had anything to do with this great institution. My mother said, "that's where everyone went back then". I love that the Provident Foundation is promoting more Black Physicians, we really need that.

It was so very exciting to find this site.My sisters & brother were born at Provident Hosp.My dad,Cassius Scott,worked in the boiler room as a stationary engineer for over 30 years.We had friends & neighbors that attended Provident Nursing School.We were also told that my family contributed to the original hospital.The Family name back then was Cotten.I must admit this has been an emotional experience for me to read about this great & wonderful hospital that is part of my family's history.Thank you so much. Cheryl Page

I was reading Ms. Della Resse; Angels Along the Way, and being from Muskegon, Michigan until I relocated to Chicago, I never heard of this town, or city and living in Michigan, it's a shame when I was growing into adulthood, information was,so little or nobody had the necessary tools, to gather resources, and I'm sad to say if a older woman from work. I would have never been enlighted on this information Thank you